Divisions and Directions

Virtual team Units plays football. Simulator based on pure random and not pretend to be even close to real Football data.

16 units (named as spicies) and geo-based*, 4 divisions: North, West, South, East

7 games for each unit in unbalanced regular season and possibly up to 3 games in playoffs

56 games regular season and 5 games in playoffs: 61 games total

Conference structure

Teams are grouped into divisions based on their map location; for instance, those in the north constitute the North division, and others follow suit, with positions not necessarily corresponding to direction strictly.

Habitat Areas
Habitat Areas

Regular season

The unit participates in an unbalanced regular season, engaging in three games within its division and four games against conference units. 7 games total.

Habitat Areas
First season shift
Habitat Areas
Second season shift
Habitat Areas
Conference pairs
Habitat Areas
Schedule games for unit


Division winners and the top two wildcard units enter the postseason. The best-performing division winners reach the semi-finals, while the other two face off in wildcard games against wildcard owners.

Habitat Areas
Playoffs spots
Habitat Areas
Playoffs schema
Built with ❤️ to NFL and Nature by Michael Yakymenko
Also Built with Next.js, prisma, tailwindcss