
Person Names

The Unit could have an inspirer, fans, and an owner. Also, the Unit could be named after a Person, for example, David Attenborough.

If you are the inspirer of the Unit and won't display your name here, please get in touch with me to remove you from the project. If you are an image designer and want to link to your portfolio or your profile on one of these websites, don't hesitate to contact me. If you have any compliance issues with images, please get in touch with me.

David and Steve

David Attenborough: As a massive fan of David's work and a supporter of his position on climate change and human's negative impact on nature, I decided to name the conference and one the Unit after his name. It's my big thanks to him.

The same feelings I have about Steve Irwin. I appreciate everything that these two people have given me. I learned a lot about nature and started traveling and visiting Australia once. I always was a nature lover, but after tons of video content, I became more confident in my beliefs.

Images: conference maps, and unit logos

Conference maps and logos was created using images from www.vecteezy.com, www.freepik.com, creazilla.com, branditechture.agency (NFL logo)

If the provided links are insufficient and more detailed links are required, for example, 'site.com/best-bears-royalty-free-svg/', please do not hesitate to contact the author.

If you are the author of an image used in a logo and do not wish to share it as royalty-free, you can also contact the author.

Built with ❤️ to NFL and Nature by Michael Yakymenko
Also Built with Next.js, prisma, tailwindcss